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CONFEST 2023 Trip Report

6 minute read


A few weeks ago, Paolo (my supervisor) had introduced me to the EWD (Dijkstra) notes. While I was aware of Dijkstra as a computer scientist, he had written out notes to colleagues about many different things. One type of note he distributed was trip reports where he would write about visits he would make. I quite like the idea and thought why not make my own trip reports. This will be the first one I write and I’ll see if I write more in the future.


Hello World!

less than 1 minute read


This is a late Hello World post for my website/blog. I intend on using this website to keep updates on my current work and other tools and I will be making occasional blogs. The blogs will be a mix of ideas, thoughts and reports on some of my experiences (such as the trip report I wrote last month). Don’t expect the blog posts to be too frequent, but I’ll see what I upload.

trip report

CONFEST 2023 Trip Report

6 minute read


A few weeks ago, Paolo (my supervisor) had introduced me to the EWD (Dijkstra) notes. While I was aware of Dijkstra as a computer scientist, he had written out notes to colleagues about many different things. One type of note he distributed was trip reports where he would write about visits he would make. I quite like the idea and thought why not make my own trip reports. This will be the first one I write and I’ll see if I write more in the future.